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9 Roses Named After Celebrities.

While many stars view the Hollywood Walk of Fame or the sidewalk outside of Mann’s Chinese Theatre as the mark of a true success, florists and rose-enthusiasts know better. Many people may think they have achieved superstardom, but they are nothing if they don’t have a rose named after them.

1. Audrey Hepburn
FLOWER: Apple Blossom Pink-Hybrid Tea Rose

One of the most iconic and talented actresses of all-time, Audrey Hepburn has a rose named in her honor. Otherwise known as the apple blossom pink hybrid tea rose, the Audrey Hepburn is the perfect table accent for those looking for the perfect breakfast at you-know-where. (Denny’s.)

2. Betty White
FLOWER: Blush Pink Hybrid Tea Rose

Enjoying resurgence in her career during the twilight of her life, beloved comedienne Betty White has also been honored with a rose bearing her namesake. Like Betty White, the blush pink-to-cream hybrid tea rose is popular for a while, and then takes about 20 years off before becoming incredibly popular again. It is worth noting that White is the only Golden Girl to have achieved such an honor, though Bea Arthur is rumored to have a line of cigars named after her in the near future.

3. Dolly Parton
FLOWER: Darl (Coppery-Orange/Red Hybrid Tea Rose)

The Darl, coppery-orange/red-hybrid tea rose is said to have an amazing voice and be unusually top-heavy, making this namesake a no-brainer. Fans of the rose also enjoy a day at the DarlcopperyorangeredhybridtearoseWood Theme Park in Tennessee, though it is known to be a little pricey. Complimented nicely by magnolias (particularly of the steel variety), a bouquet of Dolly Parton is the perfect gift for anyone working nine to five.

4. General Washington
FLOWER: Bright Red Hybrid Perpetual Rose

Sure, President George Washington has his face on the quarter, the one-dollar bill, and the nation’s Capitol named after him, but what does General Washington have? We must not forget that General Washington is the reason America won its independence from Great Britain, where as President Washington pretty much just hung out playing on the White House lawn. For this reason, the bright red hybrid perpetual rose is lovingly referred to as the General Washington.

5. LeAnn Rimes
FLOWER: Yellow-Blushed Hybrid Tea Rose

Speaking of timeless figures, integral in our founding as a country, LeAnn Rimes also has a rose. The yellow blushed rose hybrid tea rose was named after her as she found bountiful success at an unusually young age. While the rose is not as wildly popular as it once was, it holds a special place in the heart of anyone who attended a school dance from 1996-2000.

6. Paul McCartney
FLOWER: Medium Pink Hybrid Tea Rose

The medium pink hybrid tea rose is known better by its fab nickname, the Paul McCartney. Sir Paul is the only Beatle (or member of Wings) to receive such an honor. While there were rumors for a brief time that the medium pink hybrid tea rose was dead, it turned out later to be just a hoax.

7. Rosie O’Donnell
FLOWER: Red-Blend Hybrid Tea Rose

The red blend hybrid tea rose is known for slanting to the left in most light. It has also been known to talk about itself for hours, and is greatly despised by Donald Trump. For these reasons, coming up with a nickname for this flower was a no-brainer. While Rosie O’Donnell may butt heads with Barbara Walters because of “differences of opinion,” the truth is clear; Babs is jealous, as Rosie is the only member of The View, past or present, to have a rose named after her.

8. Ronald Reagan
FLOWER: Red and White Reverse Hybrid Tea Rose

When the red with white reverse hybrid tea rose first introduced red-with-white-reverse-hybrid-tea-rose-omics in the 80’s, America scoffed. But when Ronald Reagan took up the cause under a similar name, America rejoiced. Because of this, we honor Reagan with his own rose and a Presidential library. One of only three presidents to have such an honor (four if you count “General” Washington), Ronald Reagan can rest easily knowing his influence will impact gardeners for years to come.

9. William Shakespeare
FLOWER: Deep Scarlet Modern Shrub Rose

A rose by any other name would not smell as sweet, as Shakespeare would be less inclined to write about it. The deep scarlet modern shrub rose is called the William Shakespeare, generally because it is symbolic of the passion, love, life, and the death that Shakespeare wrote about so poignantly. While Shakespeare’s work continues to influence generations, his rose continues to be one of the standards in beautiful floral arrangements.


While having a flower named after you may seem like a random and trite achievement, for many it is quite the honor. While there is seemingly no end to the amount of hybrid flower creations that can be created and named, those who already have their monikers secure can rest easy knowing that they will live on forever, if not in the history books, then at least in somebody’s garden.

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