Afghanistan through the eyes of Benjamin Rasmussen
Wakhan Corridor is located in north-eastern Afghanistan, and he is like no other region of this country. People who live here are almost completely isolated from the rest of the world. High in the Pamir Mountains Pamir Kirghiz live, and in the valleys at the foot of the mountains live vahantsy. These people live away from war with the Taliban, Afghanistan is stunning. The Pamir Kirghiz and vahantsy - it’s one of the hardiest people. While in almost complete isolation from the outside world, they could create their own unique culture.
Most journalists, when doing stories about Afghanistan, primarily talk about the civil war, extreme poverty and drug production. Photographer Benjamin Rasmussen has devoted his life to photo essay of Pamir Kirghiz to show that in Afghanistan, whole nations live in harmony with nature.
1. Kyrgyz shepherd going to check his herd. His goats and sheep are outside the village of Gaz Khan. Kirghiz , who live at high altitudes in the Pamirs, leave their homes only during the spring and summer months.
2. A shepherd with his flock in the Pamir Mountains. Main meal of goat herders and sheep milk.
3. A spokeswoman for the people of Wakhan. This woman and her family lived in the village of Gaz Khan.
4. Vahantsy on foot to the mountains Big Pamir. Through the Wakhan corridor, they return to their village in the Afghan province of Badakhshan. In Wakhan Corridor are the highest Pamir Mountains.
5. Kyrgyz trader with their yaks. As soon as snow, and open roads, the cattle traders begin their journey through the Pamir.
6. Children of the village of Gaz Khan decided to rest a bit from the games. Today, in most local villages schooling is accessible . These children - the first generation, is attached to this education.
7. Finally, after the winter horses in a hurry eat fresh greens. In winter there was snow so deep that the message between the villages stops completely.
8. While wife is milking, a shepherd is holding a calf. In spring and summer, the shepherds live together with their flocks in the pastures, eating only milk and bread.
9. Shepherd prepares food in a tent.
10. The shepherds by the fire.