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Top 5 unusual food additives

Over the past few years in the products that we see in supermarkets, large and small stores, there was so much food additives in some cases, doubt, and whether the product is lying on the shelf, what it should be. The sausage is no longer a sausage and bread - the bread is not always … But this review is not about the dangers of food additives and that the well encountered a very strange ingredients, which would never have thought that they can be used in the food industry.


In August 2006, the U.S. government has approved a law under which a food has become possible to add a culture of bacteriophages - the tiniest bacteria, viruses that kill certain bacteria. This is done to reduce the content of pathogenic bacteria in food. Consequences of this step are poorly understood and difficult something progonozirovat. However, bacteriophages are added to thousands of products, mainly in meat products.


Yes, many may be surprised by the fact that the gold in some cases, the official acts swarms of food additive (E175). True, gold is often added to foods, mainly particles of gold are added to alcoholic beverages. For example, in Poland and Germany is a traditional liqueur Goldwasser, in which swim thousands of tiny particles of gold. Naturally, no effect on the human body does not have gold because simply not part of the biochemical cycle of metabolism.


This substance is used as an inhibitor of the oxidation reaction, as an insecticide for treating hooves of the horses, as an additive in the manufacture of glass and … As a dietary supplement. In the U.S., the substance is banned as an additive in food products because it is extremely toxic. Elsewhere, however, all is not well, and producers, especially in Asian countries have been actively adding borax in food. Index of the substance - E285.

Cigarette smoke

In many countries, smoking is gradually eroding, as too are very strict laws banning smoking almost everywhere. However, some food manufacturers use as tobacco and cigarette or cigar smoke to be added to food. For example, cigarette smoke is sometimes passed through certain types of vodka, or brandy (here cigar smoke). As a result of changing taste and color of the final product. In general, there are fans like that, but not so much.

Skatole (3-methylindole skatole)

This substance is present in feces in large numbers. It is interesting that it is used and as an additive in food products, and as an additive in many cosmetic products. Naturally, the use of commercially pure skatole 3-methylindole, but, nevertheless, prepared from the faeces. You’ll be surprised, but skatole producers use the strawberry ice cream - it enhances the taste of strawberry ingredient. Here such here, “strawberry” is produced.

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