Photoshop involved in real life
I wish I have Photoshop sometimes, to fix all mistakes. Or to improve myself, to look different, or to improve somebody else… Definitely, you will feel a lot of power with Photoshop tools.
Hands-free bathroom
A funny example of what people can think of when they go to the bathroom.
Green pedal-powered bus
Today, Mother earth is on the brink of a major bankruptcy due to the depletion of its natural resources, pollution and various other ecological issues. Despite concerted efforts continue to preserve and conserve our environment, the ecosystem continues to be shaky and has become a matter of grave concern. Noise, air, ground and water pollution not only affects our health but also contaminates the environments leading to hazardous ecological issues. With less time in hand, we can step up the efforts in protecting the environment. One of the ways is to reduce pollution by commuting in human powered transport. This transport uses the power of human muscle. Some of the Human powered vehicles (HPV) are cycling, ice skating, human-powered aircraft, roller skating, rowing, rickshaw, gondola, gurney and galley. There are also buses powered by human muscle alone. Read on to know about pedal powered buses that help to go one step towards a greener environment.
1. Human-powered (HP) Bus
This 32-seater bus, spotted in Netherlands has been assembled by the students of WSV Simon Stevin students organization. It has been constructed on a truck chassis and uses 80 meters of bike chain. The bus is truly propelled by 32 people who pedal the vehicle and it weighs about 2500 kg.With twelve gears, you can travel at a speed of 20 kmph on this bus. It also has two reversing gears and has an empty weight of 2.5 metric tons. Powered by combined effort of 32 people, this bus is a good example of ‘collective effort’ towards protecting the environment.
2.De Cafe Racer’s BSO vehicle:
Parents need not worry about their child’s lack of daily exercise. BSO vehicle by De Cafe Racer is a school bus pedaled by children. This bus, made of light weight materials, accommodates up to 10 children including an adult driver. The bus includes pedals in the seat such that the kids themselves trigger the vehicle. The driver has access to a secondary electric motor. This bus has been primarily designed to take care of the kids after the school. It provides a concept of pleasure coupled with team effort, exercise and fun to the children. Pedal power has made its presence felt in the world of cargo delivery. It also holds similar future for children’s transportation.
3. Busycle:
This bus has been constructed from an 11 passenger Dodge van that has been stripped to its chassis. Fourteen flat cycles have replaced the engine. Predominantly made of 100 percent re-cyclable materials such as office chairs, bicycles, bed frames and also plexiglass shield, Busycle was constructed in the year 2005 in Boston’s Roxbury neighborhood. It is a geared vehicle and also has an option of going in reverse direction. It is a 15 seater and is hundred percent human powered transport system. It can travel at a speed up to 10 miles an hour. The Busycle needs individuals to use their own strength and will to commute between two points.
4. Bus Bike:
Among the nature friendly transport system, Bus Bike or “bierfiets” is quite popular in Holland. It is a pedal powered vehicle more than just mobile pub. Travel to school can be fun and eco friendly with Bus Bike for school children. It can accommodate up to 15 commuters along with the driver. It has a compact driver seat with a steering wheel giving the control of the vehicle to the adult driver. Traveling by the Bus Bike not only inculcates the value of team work but also goes a long way in keeping the environment green.
5. City Cycle:
Learn to make smoke tricks
Like smoking? Can’t live without cigarettes? This is what you have to know, if you are professional smoker.
The latest Google designs in different countries
Over the years, doodles on the Google homepage have made searching on Google more fun and enjoyable for its users worldwide. When doodles were first created, nobody had anticipated how popular and integral they would become to the Google search experience. Nowadays, many users excitedly anticipate the release of each new doodle and some even collect them!
South Korean Independence Day - (South Korea)
Hilarious advertising
In advertising the most important stuff is to make potential customer interested and to keep regular customers interested in product and satisfied with it. Advertisers were really creative and they made ads like these.
Homemade Chewbacca Suit -Star Wars’s fans only
Wanna look like gentle, hairy, Han Solo’s mate and co-pilot? Check out this pic-by-pic guide of how to make Chewbacca suit at home.
The best ways to be creative
Check out these ads, some are funny and some bizarre but each of you will leave an impression.
House on the tree in Costa Rica
Perhaps you remember from childhood or even from a movie as it is wonderful to have a treehouse? But whether they exist in reality? Live in the houses high up on trees? In the jungles of Costa Rica there is a whole community of people who live in homes in the trees. It is called «Finca Bellavista».