Archive for " September, 2010 "
Survive in the jungle
If you happened by chance or accidentally get into the jungle and you are left without food. Pay special attention to the trunks of fallen trees. Scratched the bark and trunk, you can easily profit from the larvae! Soft, juicy delicious, if we consider that you have a week without food. Scratched the top layer of the trunk and felt lumps stirring quickly, get them from there.
Artistic styling breakfast
In Japan you can get a meal for a work of art. We believe it is delicious but we are interesting creations.
The new software from Adobe, allows you to change the focus has already captured image
As if in addition to the collection of photos from the shift of focus be asked to read the news about new software, which was created through the efforts of developers from Adobe. These guys are offering to change the focus on the finished picture, using a large number of software “lens”, which allow you to change the picture drastically, highlighting, for example, any object in the photo, and “blurring” the rest. In general, the clearer will be when you watch the video.
The most reliable protection for the car
Some craftsmen create devices that rarely see - some of them do not have much practical use, but try to use all of it is still possible. For example, the device shown in the continuation - the effect they produced, how surprising that hardly any thief would dare to approach the car. Yes, and not come out - discharge current meet any offender, except that he will wear a protective suit. In general, it is worth a look. The name of this device - “Eye of Sauron“.
Museum of the Dead
Catacombs of the Capuchins (Italian Catacombe dei Cappuccini) - burial catacombs located in the city of Palermo in Sicily, in which the clear remains of more than eight thousand people, most of the local elite and prominent citizens - the clergy, the aristocracy and the representatives of various professions. This is one of the most famous exhibition of mummies - skeletirovannye, mummified, embalmed body of the dead lie, stand, hang, form a composition.
Live over the abyss
1. Ronda (Spain): Section canyon depth of 100 m.
Rondo town, in the Spanish province of Malaga, located in mountainous terrain at an altitude of about 750 m above sea level. Canyon called El Tajo depth of 100 m separates the old part of town from the new. Some houses are right on the edge of a precipice. Jump from one part of the city to another is possible through the bridges built in different historical periods: Roman, Moorish and 18 st.
Pendants and earrings in the form of food
To make your accessories more interesting you can wear jewelry in shape of food. Look some of the pieces, just do not eat it.
Scary delicacies from around the world
Location: Philippines
This duck’s egg, an embryo which has grown a beak, feathers and grew, and then it is cooked. They say that the stone particularly nice crunch. Eat it in Cambodia.
Man with half of the body
35-year-old Kenny was born with a rare disease because of which he lost his legs as a child.But he was not discouraged. Kenney refused to wheelchairs and prosthetics.Learned to walk on his hands and ride on a skateboard.Seven years ago he met a girl Nikki and now brings her two children.
Why is it useful to drink coffee
If you’re going to throw a cup of coffee and go for tea, do not rush to give up drink. Scientists from all over the world have been arguing for regular use of coffee.
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