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Three-dimensional drawings with chalk

These are drawings on the sidewalk, made with chalk, as usual, white and colored chalk. But it’s not just pictures, it’s 3D work, which look bulky when viewed from a certain angle. Interestingly enough, agree.

Some facts about rats

How many species of rats exist today? Why is the Pied Piper as a profession in demand in Indian cities? What is common in rats with primates? How many babies can give birth to a female rat? As rats are guided in the dark? Dangerous than rats to humans? The answers to these questions and more you will learn from this issue. (carefully! Some photos may seem unpleasant or even frightening)

Our little brothers

In today’s photo galleries are waiting for you cute and funny animals and a lot of positives.

Turns people into the picture

Artist Alex Mead is not trying to create a portrait of a man, as close to reality. It simply takes, and … makes ordinary people into extraordinary paintings. The principle is simple - to put on live people paint so that the photos were most similar to the picture. In principle, and it turns out - if not to say that this photo of a living person, and no one knows. In general, a rather strange way of creativity, but interesting, I personally do not know anyone who would do something like that.

Wild Africa - the island where the lions hunt only during the day

We are all familiar with, that the lions at night predators, they hunt only at night. But in the north of Botswana, among impenetrable swamps and marshes is the island where it all fell on their head. There’s lions are forced to hunt only in the morning until the evening, another chance they simply do not.

Parade on Thanksgiving Day 2010

In the United States on Thursday, Nov. 25, has one of the favorite family holidays in the population - Thanksgiving Day. According to tradition, across the country on that day held the most colorful and large-scale parades, chief of which is held in New York. Thanksgiving Day - one of the most important holiday of America and Parade Macy’s Thanksgiving Day has become as important a symbol of Thanksgiving, as well as the traditional turkey.

In the Berlin museum of natural history

Where is the biggest dinosaur skeleton? Reply to this question is very simple. The highest original dinosaur skeleton is located in the Berlin Museum of Natural History (German Museum für Naturkunde). There is also one of the oldest and richest natural science collections in the world, collected about thirty (!) Million objects. Want to look inside and see everything with my own eyes? ” (Warning: some images may shock)

Fabulous photos from space astronaut Douglas Wheelock

September 22, after sending a crew of Expedition 23 EVA Col. Douglas H. Wheelock took over command of the International Space Station and crew of Expedition 25. It can be found under the name @ Astro_Wheels on Twitter, where an astronaut puts photos taken from aboard the space station. Offer you the incredible, breathtaking photos of our planet with an unusual point of view of us. Comments provided by Douglas.

The most unusual animals on the brink of extinction

British scientists have compiled a list of 100 animals from the brink of extinction. These animals have virtually no “family”, respectively, their loss can critically affect the diversity of the animal world.

Creativity from studio Living Room

I suggest to read the works of one of the world’s best studios retouching Living Room. Their work is fresh, high quality and witty.

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Graffiti on the walls of

Graffiti art in the city can be found everywhere: on walls, buildings, fences. But why stop there, why not choose a bigger canvas, it is so, the space for creat...
Creativity from studio Living Room

Wonders of nature

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Creativity from studio Living Room

American football fans

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Creativity from studio Living Room

Incredible 3D graphics

This work Fredo talented artist from Chile. Such heights he has reached in its 17 years. ...
Ordinary things close up

Ordinary things close up

The internal structure of those items that every day we so often find that even stop to notice them, in fact, very surprising. We offer ......

A series of Wander and Wonder

"Wander and Wonder" - a series of photographs on the theme of childhood imagination and the destruction of nature by Australian photographer Jeremy Blincoe, who ......

Amazing photos of glacier caves

30-year-old American photographer Eric Guth often camps for days inside the mysterious and awful glaciers, the place can be incredible low temperature: sometimes as low ......