Interesting sculptures created by 3D-printer
It seems that the printers of this class, all firmly holds its place in our lives. So, in this collection are sculptures, “printed” 3D-printers. Is simply an abstraction, there are quite practical things. In general, these printers are capable of many things, and these sculptures - a direct confirmation of this.
Three-dimensional drawings with chalk
These are drawings on the sidewalk, made with chalk, as usual, white and colored chalk. But it’s not just pictures, it’s 3D work, which look bulky when viewed from a certain angle. Interestingly enough, agree.
Incredible 3D graphics
This work Fredo talented artist from Chile. Such heights he has reached in its 17 years.
2011 electronic gadgets top ten
As 2011 approaches, it’s time for the gadget fans to take a look at what’s in store for the future of technology.
A little more 3D-Graffiti
All of these paintings in the style of 3D, which really are not, affect the performance skill. After all, in order to truly create a three-dimensional impression, the artist, albeit a street must be a true master. In today’s collection brought a couple dozen new works by such masters - so enjoy while you have the chance. Take a look!
3D Enjoyment Right Inside Your Home
The newest technology is the 3D television which is revolutionizing the home theater experience.