Parade on Thanksgiving Day 2010
In the United States on Thursday, Nov. 25, has one of the favorite family holidays in the population - Thanksgiving Day. According to tradition, across the country on that day held the most colorful and large-scale parades, chief of which is held in New York. Thanksgiving Day - one of the most important holiday of America and Parade Macy’s Thanksgiving Day has become as important a symbol of Thanksgiving, as well as the traditional turkey.
In the first week of November under Atlanta’s Stone Mountain Park Indian Festival is traditionally held, and pow wow - traditional dance competition Indians. Pow-wow is a day for four days of the festival from noon to evening.
13 most expensive colleges
Earlier this year, Forbes magazine has recognized Sarah Lawrence College the most expensive college in America, tuition and accommodation which is 57,556 dollars. Let’s look at the list of 13 most expensive colleges, taking into account only the price of tuition.
The tallest man in whole USA
So, he is apparently the tallest man in whole United States of America. He must feels special because of that. He is also, the tallest Obama fan, as we read on his t-shirt.