What is the theory of magnetic therapy
The use of magnets started around 4,000 years ago as a natural form of treatment for many different health concerns. During the early part of the 20th century, physicians would use magnets, to help patients who have neuralgia and sciatica. In more recent times, these magnets have now been used to test their powers of use on pain relief, and patients who have osteoarthritis as well as fibromyalgia. It has also been used in healing wounds and diabetes.
Happy ending to a story in 1933 Chilean miners
Chile has concluded an unprecedented rescue of the miners from underground captivity. For a happy ending to tragic story seen around the world.
Before The Dentist — Easing Tooth Pain
Tooth pain can be a sign of numerous problems, including gum disease and cavities. It’s important to make an appointment with a dentist and get everything checked out before an infection can spread or more serious damage can occur. However, while you’re waiting to keep your appointment with the dentist, here are some things that might help ease the pain in the meantime.
4 Ways to Deal With Stress and Insomnia
It is not difficult to understand why stress and insomnia go hand in hand. When one is under a lot of stress, and is not taking successful steps to control that stress, sleep is just one of the secondary conditions that may arise.