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69-year-old Ruth Flowers playing quality house tracks and mixes better than inexperienced youngsters …


It’s Liu Bolin a man-chameleon. Liu Bolin - a Chinese artist who knows how to disappear in any environment. Born in 1973, studied at the Art College, Shandong, and then at the Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.

See pictures of albino animals

Albino animals are very rare, even 1:20000 be completely white. The inability of the organism that produces the pigment melanin is reflected in the partial or total skin pigment, so that animals are pure white. Indians are albino animals considered for the saints and you see pictures of some albino animals below.

Macbook Air

The new MacBook Air is erected, built on a new level and is now available in 11 “and 13″ version. Although it is very slim and lightweight, the new version of the Macbook Air as opposed to last much longer battery life. He also added Multi-Touch trackpad with the design without keys, so you can click anywhere. Starting price of these new Apple product is $ 999.

20 amazing photo manipulation

Using photoshop you can do indefinitely many amazing, creative and entertaining stuff. You can manipulate the images as to imagine, and so to show others what’s on your mind.
Here are some examples:

Unusual X-rays

See what can be overheard in the human body.

10-inch nail in his head stayed 6 days:

Life in Thailand

“Red Shirts” are continuing their protests in the streets and online. Thailand has also managed in period affected by the floods, terrorist attacks, as well as to celebrate the 78th birthday of Queen Sirikit. Collected here are photos from all over Thailand.

2011 electronic gadgets top ten

As 2011 approaches, it’s time for the gadget fans to take a look at what’s in store for the future of technology.

Baobab Adansoniya or digitate

Baobab tree is famous for its unusual proportions. This is one of the thickest tree in the world - with an average circumference of the trunk 10.9 meters, height of 18-25 m (in the “Guinness Book of Records” for 1991 describes the baobab tree, which had a 54.5 m in circumference). At the top of the trunk is divided into thick, almost horizontal branches forming a large, up to 38 m in diameter, crown. In the dry season in winter, when the baobab clears leaves, he takes a curious form of the tree roots growing up. Life expectancy of the baobab is controversial - they do not tree rings, which can reliably calculate the age. Performed by the method of radiocarbon analysis (14C) counts showed more than 5500 years for a tree with a diameter of 4,5 m, although more conservative estimates baobabs live “only” 1000 years.

Strange travel suggestions

Now, if there is enough money, you can see any country, any island - you can reach any point on the map is wanted. Many tourist companies are engaged in meeting the needs of tourists, and offer the most fantastic journey. For example, there is even an offer from a private company, offers a trip to the moon. Besides, there are no less fantastic leisure options.

Journey to the Moon

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Strange travel suggestions

Live over the abyss

1. Ronda (Spain): Section canyon depth of 100 m. Rondo town, in the Spanish province of Malaga, located in mountainous terrain at an altitude of about 750 m ab...
Strange travel suggestions

Survive in the jungle

If you happened by chance or accidentally get into the jungle and you are left without food. Pay special attention to the trunks of fallen trees. Scratched the ...
Strange travel suggestions

Shocking pictures of poll

October 14, 2024 in New York hosted the 30th annual award ceremony Fund Eugene Smith. Lou Gueng of the Peoples Republic of China won the Grand $ 30 000 for his ...
Strange travel suggestions

The most tattooed man

At the moment, the most tattooed man is Lucky Diamond Rich. Its place in the Guinness Book of Records, he took after overtook his predecessor, Tom Leopparda. To...
Very strange men in suits

Very strange men in suits

People are fooled as they can, dress up in weird costumes, behave strangely, and some still roam the streets. ......
Christmas lights around the world

Christmas lights around the world

Christmas and New Year holidays with each day closer. It has long been established everywhere, and Christmas trees hung with festive lights. We offer you ......
Interesting sculptures created by 3D-printer

Interesting sculptures created by 3...

It seems that the printers of this class, all firmly holds its place in our lives. So, in this collection are sculptures, "printed" 3D-printers. Is ......