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Wonders of nature

Stone Wave (The Wave), USA
The spectacle, which consists of enormous “licked” arrays of red stone on the border between Arizona and Utah. The stone is actually a sand, which is for 190 million years becomes caked and turned into rock-like monolith. This place is not very well known among tourists, because it can get there on foot, must go more than 5 kilometers, and access is strictly regulated so as not to spread through the pebbles.

Popular places to visit in Dubai

Dubai is ranked as the best business hub of the middle east, and is a city which continually stretches the boundaries in lifestyle and entertainment. Dubai seeks for newer innovative procedures and amenities in ensuring a developed civilization, consisting world class hotels, shopping malls and sports facilities.

The beauty of Ukraine

Ukraine is one of the most happening and the most beautiful tourist destinations. Recently there has been a trend of increasing number of tourists to Ukraine.

Unusual and exotic varieties of ice cream from all over the world!

“Ice cream - frozen, usually sweet dessert product. Delicacy, which is a ledoobraznuyu mass, is used more for entertainment than for food. ” Such a definition of the word “ice” Wikipedia tells us. But we all know that our world is perfect as far as its rich diversity. After the mass around us is unusual, something we had never seen and even more so, never tried. So let’s move away from the stereotype of the “standard” ice cream and learn about some of the exotic. Few of us is how many different types of it exists, except, of course, have known each since childhood.

Fried ice cream

13 most expensive colleges

Earlier this year, Forbes magazine has recognized Sarah Lawrence College the most expensive college in America, tuition and accommodation which is 57,556 dollars. Let’s look at the list of 13 most expensive colleges, taking into account only the price of tuition.

Graffiti on the walls of the castle

Graffiti art in the city can be found everywhere: on walls, buildings, fences. But why stop there, why not choose a bigger canvas, it is so, the space for creativity will be much wider. Why not paint the walls a bright color dull locks? It was very cool, the video you can see the process of working artists.

Giants trail - a miracle of nature

In the old days in Ireland, he lived a good giant Fin Mac Cool and his wife Una, and across the strait from him in Scotland, lived a wicked giant Benadonna. Scot constantly touched and hurt the Irish. One day, Fin Mc Cool Benadonne shouted: “If I knew how to swim then sailed to the Strait for 2 minutes and can fight to you on the most baluysya not!” But he could not swim.

In France, protest against pension reforms

Trade unions in France continue to protest against plans to the government of President Nicolas Sarkozy to reform the pension system and raising the retirement age from 60 to 62 years. Demonstrations, strikes and other protests are expected to lead to failures in public transport, schools and post. If so it will go farther, Marseille into a big garbage dump.

Tips for shopping greener

There are many ways to start shopping greener.

LEDs in design

Often it happens that all the usual things begin to look unusual, if they are used in the new field. For example, LEDs are generally used most often for lighting / display. It is clear that the designers could not pass by such an attractive way to decorate your own products, and began to use for their own needs. In the continuation we can see images of different things with LEDs.

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LEDs in design

Live over the abyss

1. Ronda (Spain): Section canyon depth of 100 m. Rondo town, in the Spanish province of Malaga, located in mountainous terrain at an altitude of about 750 m ab...
LEDs in design

Survive in the jungle

If you happened by chance or accidentally get into the jungle and you are left without food. Pay special attention to the trunks of fallen trees. Scratched the ...
LEDs in design

Shocking pictures of poll

October 14, 2024 in New York hosted the 30th annual award ceremony Fund Eugene Smith. Lou Gueng of the Peoples Republic of China won the Grand $ 30 000 for his ...
LEDs in design

The most tattooed man

At the moment, the most tattooed man is Lucky Diamond Rich. Its place in the Guinness Book of Records, he took after overtook his predecessor, Tom Leopparda. To...
Taxis provide good old-fashioned service

Taxis provide good old-fashioned se...

Taxis are an indispensable presence in any large city. They provide a convenient transportation alternative with fantastic individualized service. Though much has changed in the ......
Cake in the style of Kill Bill

Cake in the style of Kill Bill

Hero of the triumph of the 9-year-old girl a big fan of the movie "Kill Bill".The film is not for children, but caring mother could ......
Oceans off the coast of Japan

Oceans off the coast of Japan

Photojournalist Brian Skerry spent an unimaginable amount of time on the seabed, when a few months sailed on fishing boats. He traveled to all and ......