Archive for " December 8th, 2010 "
Interesting sculptures created by 3D-printer
It seems that the printers of this class, all firmly holds its place in our lives. So, in this collection are sculptures, “printed” 3D-printers. Is simply an abstraction, there are quite practical things. In general, these printers are capable of many things, and these sculptures - a direct confirmation of this.
50 years after the revolution in Cuba
50 years after a national uprising, held by Fidel Castro, and the adoption of communist ideology, an island in the Caribbean - Cuba - is the only country in the Americas with the communist political system. While under government control the economy of Cuba has never been developed so that the Cubans have lived under conditions similar to conditions in the U.S. or Europe, many Cubans are middle-aged and older continue to support the regime of the Castro brothers and the idea of the Cuban Revolution. Since the 1990’s, Cuba is struggling with chronic economic crisis, and the young Cubans appeal to changes in the economy.
How are made Christmas decorations
Very soon the New Year. And all over the world people start decorating the house for the holiday. But the center of festivities, of course is a Christmas tree. Glass balls, tinsel garlands … Beauty!