Archive for " January 27th, 2011 "
12 most unusual places people call ‘home’
Since early man dwelled in caves, necessity has been the mother of invention. Whether out of economic need, a desire to live in a more eco-friendly environment, or just plain weirdness, people can get mighty creative about what they call… Home.
Tips on how to manage time
Time management is essential in your daily life. This is to be successful especially in your professional career. That is why; time management techniques should be implemented properly to prevent work hassles.
The most unusual boundaries of the world
The people in every country is fenced off from neighbors with cordon fences and other obstacles. For example, the length of the “Great Wall” between the U.S. and Mexico is 2500 kilometers. But this boundary, in principle, can be called normal. There are more interesting border between the countries. Some are interesting because of its geographical location, the other - because of the way of protection, and others … But we will not discuss all this in advance, let’s see what we’ve got interesting today.
Being positive is an art of living
Many people possess a great deal of ability of speaking and putting forward their thoughts to motivate people. Dynamic personality’s around the world who are great speaker’s have showed the strength of their expression and inspired common people to walk in pursuit of making this world a better place to live.
Living life
Who am I? Why am I here? Basic, yet profound, questions. Ones we rarely address as we struggle to earn a living, complete an education, raise a family, survive, succeed. We work to sustain a lifestyle. We devote time and energy to economic pursuits; athletic endeavors; social engagements; entertainment. When do we have time to ponder these questions? What do they matter for living our lives anyway?