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Archive for " February, 2011 "

WHY these products exist?

There are many products on the market that make no sense,but these are realy ridiculous.

Lost and found funny pet signs

It’s always sad when your pet runs off, especially if he has giant balls or is a rodent masquerading as a cat. While we hope all the pets found their ways to safe homes, we’re pretty sure these people shouldn’t be in charge of anything that is alive and completely understand why they ran away.

The smallest aquarium in the world

Its size, you can see already announce systems pictures. By the way, the aquarium contains only 10 ml of water - the same is contained in the vial with the medicine. But it’s a full tank, with stones and plants on the bottom, with fish, which was surprised to look down on everything. Apparently, it’s fish fry, rather than adult fish, but I may be wrong.

Video games and their characters

Again, a series of works of graphic designers, representing community Worth1000. This time the guys decided to show what will look like the heroes of different PC games, if you get into the real world. It should be noted that most of the work is very realistic, it is clear that the authors have made enough effort. Well, we can only evaluate the different works of different authors - it is not difficult.

The street art in Brazil

The artists behind this work are Anderson Augusto and Leonardo Delafuente, and they call it “The 6emeia project”.
The streets of Brazil can now continue to be more colorful and amusing for everyone, thanks to the two talented street artists. They are not the only one that are impressing people with their street art – these guys are only using spray painting and shadows to make unique street drawings.

Most dangerous and amazing roads in the world

It is hard to imagine how many dangerous roads are there.There are different factors of danger so it is really hard to say what roads are the most dangerous of all the dangerous roads in the world. But here is our list of most blood-bathing roads and the deadly routes where tonnes of accidents have happened. Do check them out and, more importantly, try to avoid them!

Unusual tattoo made by the sun

These are not real tattoos, and the patterns on the skin are the result of figure sunbathing.You can make really cool patterns not disfiguring your own skin. And what’s even better - these patterns disappear within a couple of weeks, then you can make a new “sun tattoo”. Maybe someone will try to do something similar this summer?

Greatest animal photobombs

Here are 10 awesome photos of animals getting in on the photobomb action.

Cute animal pictures

Animals even flirt from time to time with photography, the Bahamas Trish Vandenberg has acquired a huge collection of pictures, each one more beautiful than another. Subjects are naturally cute animals such as chickens, dogs, rabbits or hamsters. Because we know how much you like these pictures.

Gun toting grannies

These grannies are not to be trifled with. At least don’t trifle with them as long as they’re carrying a gun.

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Graffiti on the walls of

Graffiti art in the city can be found everywhere: on walls, buildings, fences. But why stop there, why not choose a bigger canvas, it is so, the space for creat...
Gun toting grannies

Wonders of nature

Stone Wave (The Wave), USA The spectacle, which consists of enormous "licked" arrays of red stone on the border between Arizona and Utah. The stone is actually...
Gun toting grannies

American football fans

American football - is not only a sexy female athletes in the Lingerie League, but also unusual fans in the stands. 1. Fans of the team «Chicago Bears» w...
Gun toting grannies

Incredible 3D graphics

This work Fredo talented artist from Chile. Such heights he has reached in its 17 years. ...
Bizarre masterpieces

Bizarre masterpieces

These masterpieces are so unusual that she did not understand how could such a fantasy from the authors! Outburst of emotions. If you drink lots of milk ......
Bad locations for Jesus signs

Bad locations for Jesus signs

I can’t imagine what the people who put up these Jesus signs were thinking. Either they weren’t thinking or someone came along after they put ......
Gorilla: Life on the edge

Gorilla: Life on the edge

The new book "Gorillas: Life on the Edge" tells the story of one of the rarest animals on earth - the mountain gorillas. To work ......