Archive for " March, 2011 "
Stunning photographs of animals inside womb
These amazing embryonic animal photographs of dolphins, sharks, dogs, penguins, cats and elephants are from a new National Geographic Documentary called “Extraordinary Animals in the Womb”. The show’s producer, Peter Chinn, used a combination of three-dimensional ultrasound scans, computer graphics and tiny cameras to capture the process from conception to birth. They are the most detailed embryonic animal pictures ever seen.
Overwhelmed and overloaded
Danger! Idiocy! - How would you not call it, one thing is clear: it seems something in these photos … uh … a little crowded and congested.
Dog yoga
When something about a dog yoga thought, how about a mysterious myth, however, Dan Borris brought it to light.
Life tips from Murphy
Murphy, the little Pug, with a sunny face, ready to share with you a very simple but often useful life tips.
Unusual t-shirt designs
In this post we present a unique collection of t-shirt design for your everyday life stance. We are sure you will like these models.
We enter the water!
Time for a new underwater journey! This time, admiring the 20 photographs taken by Alexander Safonov , in which we find fascinating creatures!
Spanish festival of Las Fallas: Flame Valencia
Every year in March, residents of the Spanish province of Valencia, and many tourists are going to one of the brightest and most insane festivals of Spain - “Las Fallas” (pronounced “las fayyas”), the festival of fire and the arrival of spring.
Unusual things with the design of the Rubik’s Cube
Yes, the Rubik’s cube - a toy that will be popular for a long time, no matter what country you are. Popular not only the principle of most toys, but also its design - all these different colored cubes and faces a large cube. In this collection you can see pictures of things created by people, obviously indifferent to the Rubik’s cube. Some of them are not very practical, but interesting.
Funny sport faces
We all love them, but sometimes it`s just their faces that make my day. Enjoy!
Turn in the void
This Norwegian bridge, if you look at it from the correct angle, it is not clear where cars are going at a bend, the impression is that they disappear into the void.
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