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Archive for " December 19th, 2010 "

Amazing architectural photos

The beautiful region of Normandy, France has many sites of interest: the Bayeux Tapestry, the cathedral of the Rhone, and the D Day beaches, among others. Of all the highlights of Normandy, Mont Saint Michel by UNESCO as patrimony of humanity is the most famous. Its a pyramid scheme, as has become famous worldwide and thousands of tourists come every year for a tour of Mont St. Michel.

Growing your own herbs for herbal remedies

If you’ve been interested in natural methods of running your household or in herbal remedies for everyday ailments, have you ever wondered how easy it would be to grow your own herbs so you can make your own tinctures and teas? Some folk think that it must be really easy, as every decent-sized household in days gone by used to have a stillroom and its herb garden. Other folk who don’t feel particularly green-thumbed shudder at the prospect. So is growing your own medicinal herbs hard or easy?

26 great pictures of Nico Fredi

Another world, other landscapes, like other habits, but the same joys of childhood, of nature, the same thoughts regardless of age. There are 26 photos full of life, emotion and color.

Yummy creative breakfast

From childhood we are taught that playing with food - this is wrong. In fact, playing with food - this is bad, but to create interesting meals that resemble more a work of art than for breakfast, it is commendable.Take a look!

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Graffiti on the walls of

Graffiti art in the city can be found everywhere: on walls, buildings, fences. But why stop there, why not choose a bigger canvas, it is so, the space for creat...
Yummy creative breakfast

Wonders of nature

Stone Wave (The Wave), USA The spectacle, which consists of enormous "licked" arrays of red stone on the border between Arizona and Utah. The stone is actually...
Yummy creative breakfast

American football fans

American football - is not only a sexy female athletes in the Lingerie League, but also unusual fans in the stands. 1. Fans of the team «Chicago Bears» w...
Yummy creative breakfast

Incredible 3D graphics

This work Fredo talented artist from Chile. Such heights he has reached in its 17 years. ...
HDR photography of cities at dusk

HDR photography of cities at dusk

The pictures show us cities at dusk - these photos also have quite high artistic value. We can assume that viewing photos, you wish to ......
Most awaited tablets of 2011

Most awaited tablets of 2011

If 2010 belonged to one particular technology it would undoubtedly be the tablet. It's only fitting then that 2011 will see some wickedly cool tablets, ......
The giants of the sea in great pictures

The giants of the sea in great pict...

Whales are the largest living things on earth, reaching 35 meters in length and 150 tons, even with all its majesty these amazing creatures are ......