Archive for " December 20th, 2010 "
Wristwatch from an iPod Nano
Apple has incorporated the new color displays Nano players. These small players can attach easily to your belt, thanks to a clamp located on the rear. Not for nothing I have talked about these two features, because someone thought to turn the iPod Nano in a high-tech watch. How to do that? With an ordinary fabric belt and a default application that displays a clock display. Simple and ingenious.
Afghanistan through the eyes of Benjamin Rasmussen
Wakhan Corridor is located in north-eastern Afghanistan, and he is like no other region of this country. People who live here are almost completely isolated from the rest of the world. High in the Pamir Mountains Pamir Kirghiz live, and in the valleys at the foot of the mountains live vahantsy. These people live away from war with the Taliban, Afghanistan is stunning. The Pamir Kirghiz and vahantsy - it’s one of the hardiest people. While in almost complete isolation from the outside world, they could create their own unique culture.
Most journalists, when doing stories about Afghanistan, primarily talk about the civil war, extreme poverty and drug production. Photographer Benjamin Rasmussen has devoted his life to photo essay of Pamir Kirghiz to show that in Afghanistan, whole nations live in harmony with nature.
The image of a mouse with style
In the category of objects we use every day, to present this little article, for many of us, is a sensitive issue: the mouse. In the world of endless designs, the differentiation between useful and aesthetic world, began to make his way, becoming more objects that combine these two characteristics. In order to introduce you to this world, will present 15 stylish image that the mouse can take.
This is not a photoshop…
… and the real sculptures, or installations, which were photographed. In fact, some of these things and do not look like a photoshop. In most cases, there is nothing particularly complex, to an idea that leads to the creation of creative things of this kind is itself a value. Work performed by different people, for the most part by professional artists.
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