Archive for " January 6th, 2011 "
Apocalypse through the eyes of artists
By allfromweb on January 06, 2024
It is interesting to see fantasy artists on the theme of the not very distant future where people either do not exist or they, for whatever reasons, became less, much less numbered than before. Some pictures represent our gloomy future and the end of the world. All these works were created by different artists and graphic designers at different times.
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Graffiti on the walls of
Graffiti art in the city can be found everywhere: on walls, buildings, fences. But why stop there, why not choose a bigger canvas, it is so, the space for creat...
Wonders of nature
Stone Wave (The Wave), USA
The spectacle, which consists of enormous "licked" arrays of red stone on the border between Arizona and Utah. The stone is actually...
American football fans
American football - is not only a sexy female athletes in the Lingerie League, but also unusual fans in the stands.
1. Fans of the team «Chicago Bears» w...
Incredible 3D graphics
This work Fredo talented artist from Chile. Such heights he has reached in its 17 years.