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Creativity from studio Living Room

I suggest to read the works of one of the world’s best studios retouching Living Room. Their work is fresh, high quality and witty.

20 amazing photo manipulation

Using photoshop you can do indefinitely many amazing, creative and entertaining stuff. You can manipulate the images as to imagine, and so to show others what’s on your mind.
Here are some examples:

Artistic styling breakfast

In Japan you can get a meal for a work of art. We believe it is delicious but we are interesting creations.

Creative advertising

Check out these ads, some are funny and some bizarre but each of you will leave an impression.

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Graffiti on the walls of

Graffiti art in the city can be found everywhere: on walls, buildings, fences. But why stop there, why not choose a bigger canvas, it is so, the space for creat...
Creative advertising

Wonders of nature

Stone Wave (The Wave), USA The spectacle, which consists of enormous "licked" arrays of red stone on the border between Arizona and Utah. The stone is actually...
Creative advertising

American football fans

American football - is not only a sexy female athletes in the Lingerie League, but also unusual fans in the stands. 1. Fans of the team «Chicago Bears» w...
Creative advertising

Incredible 3D graphics

This work Fredo talented artist from Chile. Such heights he has reached in its 17 years. ...

Anti aging creams

Anti aging creams is not a new buzzword for anybody. Markets today are flooded with loads of such creams and lotions which promise to reduce ......

Lip paint

What have you seen, lively crabs, smart foxes, cute pandas, and other kinds of animals? Not exactly, because what is shown here is merely one ......

“Anatomical” cakes from...

Apparently, some cooks - failed surgeons as culinary articles, photographs are presented in the news, for the most part are an exact copy of any ......