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Techniques of innovative animal transport

Bikes are mostly vehicles of pleasure in the west, but in some parts of the world especially Vietnam, they are the principal mode of transport. This fact, coupled with a farmer’s need to get his livestock to the market, is one of the principal administrators of culture shock for western tourists. Here are some such techniques of innovative animal transport.

1. How to break a Cow’s neck

2. Petrol Fumed Shark

3. Biking Lesson

4. How the hell do you get a whole Cow in that?

5. Country Life is Hard

6. Work of Art

7. Pick the odd ones out

8. A practice in Quackery

9. Edible roadsweep

10. Beast of Burden

11. Can you fit anymore Pigs on a bike?

12. Yes you can!

13. Concealment Fail

14. Hey, I just asked for a lift?

15. Asian Rural Taxi

16. Vespa. Better than Any Bitch, Any Day

17. Shotgun Wedding

18. Evolution at work

19. Freaking Massive!

20. And women are not far behind

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