Archive for " December, 2010 "
Top 5 unusual food additives
Over the past few years in the products that we see in supermarkets, large and small stores, there was so much food additives in some cases, doubt, and whether the product is lying on the shelf, what it should be. The sausage is no longer a sausage and bread - the bread is not always … But this review is not about the dangers of food additives and that the well encountered a very strange ingredients, which would never have thought that they can be used in the food industry.
Very strange men in suits
People are fooled as they can, dress up in weird costumes, behave strangely, and some still roam the streets.
Christmas lights around the world
Christmas and New Year holidays with each day closer. It has long been established everywhere, and Christmas trees hung with festive lights. We offer you a beautiful collection in which you’ll see pictures of Christmas trees from different countries of our great planet.
Interesting sculptures created by 3D-printer
It seems that the printers of this class, all firmly holds its place in our lives. So, in this collection are sculptures, “printed” 3D-printers. Is simply an abstraction, there are quite practical things. In general, these printers are capable of many things, and these sculptures - a direct confirmation of this.
How are made Christmas decorations
Very soon the New Year. And all over the world people start decorating the house for the holiday. But the center of festivities, of course is a Christmas tree. Glass balls, tinsel garlands … Beauty!
On the move
Photos by Scott Linstead printed around the world. He specializes in photographing animals in their natural habitat. His photographs regularly publishes a newsletter Hewlett Packard and the Journal of the American Museum of Natural History Natural History Magazine. Scott Linstead also maintains a regular column on the shooting techniques of birds for the Canadian magazine Outdoor Photography Canada.
Photos by Scott Linstead especially expressive, because it is using a special technique, removes the animals in motion.
The first video game phone PlayStation Phone (Zeus Z1)
Not one or two times a web phone photographers are PlayStation Phone (Zeus Z1). Many believed that this hybrid, PSP and mobile phone, which is going to release the company Sony Erricsson, is just a rumor, fake. In fact, this is a real gadget, which should soon appear on the market. Exactly when - unknown, but what is the real device - a definite fact. In continuation you can find video devaysa.
International tattoo festival in Berlin
From 3 to 5 December in Berlin, was a traditional, 20-I of the Convention’s accounts tattooers and amateur tattoos.
Top 10: the most extreme sports
Once bungee-jumping or parachuting from a height of six thousand feet were considered the most dangerous. But today this is not much a surprise and, for extreme sports are not standing still.
We represent your attention a list of dozens of hazardous an extreme, the existence of which you may not even suspect.
Look forward to a sculpted body with liposuction
Everyone, no matter how perfect their body is, has one or two areas that are never quite as sculpted as they want them to be. There are always one or two areas that can’t be shown off in the confident way that every other area can be shown off. Why should these areas stop someone from being the best, most confident person they can be? They shouldn’t. Cosmetic surgery, particularly liposuction can tend to those confidence killing areas and make you feel more comfortable with yourself.
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