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Yummy creative breakfast

From childhood we are taught that playing with food - this is wrong. In fact, playing with food - this is bad, but to create interesting meals that resemble more a work of art than for breakfast, it is commendable.Take a look!

Top 10 Strange Roadside Attractions in America

There is a sense of humour around every corner when you are driving in America. How else to explain those wacky, way-out-in-left-field roadside attractions you will stumble upon? Muffler men, mystery spots and antigravity hills are just the beginning. Here are our top 10 favourite offbeat spots.

1. Roswell, New Mexico:

Highly Creative Self-Portraits Images

As an art director for the last 10 years, Pierre Beteille sees his self-portraits as a way to creatively express himself, a way to make the ideas in his head come to life. But don’t call Pierre an artist or photographer. Why? Because he doesn’t believe he is either one of those things. “I am not a photographer or an artist, I just make images … I shoot very average or even bad photos that I try to improve thanks to Photoshop.”, he says.

The smallest solar-powered cinema

This cinema, which is named by its creator “Sol Cinema”, is one of the smallest cinemas of the world, because inside there is a place only for 8 adults. From other cinema “Sol Cinema” different is that the electricity to run the projector and lighting provided by solar panels. In general, a very interesting project, which would be interesting to see with my own eyes.

Beautiful banaue rice terraces

The Banaue Rice Terraces are 2000-year old terraces that were carved into the mountains of Ifugao in the Philippines by ancestors of the indigenous people. The Rice Terraces are commonly referred to by Filipinos as the “Eighth Wonder of the World”. It is commonly thought that the terraces were built with minimal equipment, largely by hand. The terraces are located approximately 1500 meters (5000 ft) above sea level and cover 10,360 square kilometers (about 4000 square miles) of mountainside. They are fed by an ancient irrigation system from the rainforests above the terraces. It is said that if the steps are put end to end it would encircle half the globe.

Fancy creations street artists

Work of street artists are listed in the continuation of the post, obviously created by people indifferent to computer games. Playable characters, portable game consoles and so on - all this is done directly on the pavement or walls of houses. Interestingly, the work is very realistic, and some drawn to the smallest detail. Incidentally, besides the figures, one can admire, and the process of their creation, captured on video.

And break out the storm!

Sean Heavey - not just photos. He photographed exclusively hurricanes, storms andal gales. By profession he is an electrician, but the camera does not leave, and as soon falls in storm - there and then tries to find the angle poeffektnee. Some of his works have even been awarded National Geographic

The best Christmas gifts for billionaires

Gifts billionaire on New Year’s Eve? In case among your friends were “moneybags”, a magazine for billionaires «Robb Report» published a list of the best Christmas gifts worth 65 million pounds sterling. So, offering you the most extravagant and interesting gifts for the rich.

Fancy payphone booths from around the world

In principle, the payphones are not so highly evolved, despite the power of technological progress. However, all sorts of creative people change the appearance of pay-phone booth, literally unrecognizable. In the continuation we can see a whole series of photos of phone booths, which are different from the rest. Each of these payphone booths is unique - it is clear that the creators put a lot of effort to implement their design fantasies.

How to eat less and feel full

If you’ve been trying to lose weight and get healthier then you surely know that those fattening little snacks at all hours of the night or day are doing you no good at all. Sure, they might taste sublime, but they are also packing on the pounds.

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