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Paintings from the typewriter

Yes, typewriters are out of favor, but their use is different. Typewriter real masterpiece, which is difficult to assess the artistic point of view. In general, I suggest that you evaluate all of this.

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Paintings from the typewriter

Live over the abyss

1. Ronda (Spain): Section canyon depth of 100 m. Rondo town, in the Spanish province of Malaga, located in mountainous terrain at an altitude of about 750 m ab...
Paintings from the typewriter

Survive in the jungle

If you happened by chance or accidentally get into the jungle and you are left without food. Pay special attention to the trunks of fallen trees. Scratched the ...
Paintings from the typewriter

Shocking pictures of poll

October 14, 2024 in New York hosted the 30th annual award ceremony Fund Eugene Smith. Lou Gueng of the Peoples Republic of China won the Grand $ 30 000 for his ...
Paintings from the typewriter

The most tattooed man

At the moment, the most tattooed man is Lucky Diamond Rich. Its place in the Guinness Book of Records, he took after overtook his predecessor, Tom Leopparda. To...

Creative packaging design

We all have long been aware that good design package - that's half the battle, if not more. And now, it should not be fussy ......

Paintings from the typewriter

Yes, typewriters are out of favor, but their use is different. Typewriter real masterpiece, which is difficult to assess the artistic point of view. In ......

Super pictures: Winter is in the sp...

We have prepared a collection of 21 pictures that inspire you, now that winter has come in title (that's right, a little unusual at times) ......