Archive for " November 10th, 2010 "
The most terrible journey
Not far from Bogota (Colombia) is a hard-to-village. Its residents can get to the other settlements only on the rope stretched across the gorge, which reaches a height of 400 meters. This line - the only link with the outside world. Pupils have to travel this road 2 times a day.
Lost city - Machu Picchu
The real name of Machu Picchu is Machado Pichachu (Mach-a-do Pickachew).No is just one of many mysteries that keeps the lost Inca city, lost high in the Peruvian Andes - Machu Picchu, the existence of which none of the Europeans had no idea about four years.
Toy photography - a series of photographs
Some photographers prefer to not work with human beings or natural objects, and with toys. And got the job so interesting that attracted the attention of even the most sophisticated in the photofission of people. An entire collection of original pictures, where the toys serve as models, is in continuation of the post. It seems that with so many toys, which now exists, we can find an infinite number of subjects for photos.