allfromweb's Articles
Taxis provide good old-fashioned service
Taxis are an indispensable presence in any large city. They provide a convenient transportation alternative with fantastic individualized service. Though much has changed in the world over the past hundred years, riding in a cab still maintains a sense of old-fashioned glamor.
Cake in the style of Kill Bill
Hero of the triumph of the 9-year-old girl a big fan of the movie “Kill Bill”.The film is not for children, but caring mother could not give up her daughter and decided to arrange her party to celebrate the 9th birthday in the style of “Kill Bill”.The cake turned out higher praise.
Oceans off the coast of Japan
Photojournalist Brian Skerry spent an unimaginable amount of time on the seabed, when a few months sailed on fishing boats. He traveled to all and sundry - from snowmobile to helicopter and canoe. Skerry specializes in underwater photography and photo on the maritime theme. His latest project - the November edition of “National Geographic”- brought the photographer to the shores of Japan. Since the water temperature varies here from glacial to temperate and tropical, the diversity of living organisms, which found Skerry, just amazing.
Feast of the Sun in India
Colorful photos from the celebrations of the festival Chhath Puja or Surya, which was held in India last week. During the festival Hindus worship the god of the sun and fasted all day to ensure the welfare of his family and friends. Surya Puja is celebrated twice a year - once in summer (May-July) Chaiti Chhath, and once in October and November - Kartik Chhath, which is celebrated six days after the festival of Deepavali. First day began with a ritual bathing (preferably in the river Ganges), and then the faithful abstain from work at home and fast for four days.
Additions to the photos
The author shows his vision of the world, even if only on a photo. Excellent work.
Unusual coffins from Ghana
Why coffin should be a boring box, where you can order to be made in the form of a lobster, red pepper, poultry or shoe? Indigenous inhabitants of a small African nation of Ghana believes that the funeral - it’s not a sad farewell to the deceased, and the celebration of a man crossing the road to a better world. It is here that there was a tradition of putting the corpse in the coffin of a special bright intricate shapes.
Some common mistakes of losing weight through exercise
This article aims at explaining some common misunderstandings while losing weight.
Incredible 3D graphics
This work Fredo talented artist from Chile. Such heights he has reached in its 17 years.
In the first week of November under Atlanta’s Stone Mountain Park Indian Festival is traditionally held, and pow wow - traditional dance competition Indians. Pow-wow is a day for four days of the festival from noon to evening.
The most terrible journey
Not far from Bogota (Colombia) is a hard-to-village. Its residents can get to the other settlements only on the rope stretched across the gorge, which reaches a height of 400 meters. This line - the only link with the outside world. Pupils have to travel this road 2 times a day.